Council Representative: Jana Klusman
Committee Members: Carla Post, Duane Lienemann, Melanie Whitcomb, Nancy Kort, Steph Hamel & Tom Johnson
Our committee met several times during the past year to pick hymns and plan Sunday worship services, along with Lenten, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve services also. We did a survey for people to list their top five favorite hymns, and the top three vote getters were: How Great Thou Art, Here I Am Lord and Jesus Loves Me. I would like to thank all those who served on this committee for all their help and input, and also thanks to everyone who serve in other areas to help with our church service – to all who help usher, acolyte, assist with communion, changing hymn board, fill communion cups, candle maintenance, changing paraments, running the sound and projection system, providing music and decorating the church for Christmas. Also, a big thank you to our church secretary Danie Mohlman for everything she does, from downloading music and videos and the online service and printing off the bulletins. It takes a lot to keep our church running smoothly, and we are blessed to have wonderful people to help with everything. Thanks again to all who help serve on this committee in any way!
Steph Hamel ~ Council Representative