Christian Education

Council Representative: Keith Waterbury

Committee Members: Marlys Schmidt & Danie Mohlman

Programs: Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, 5th Quarter, Good News Bearers

2023 Christian Education Report

This year, the Adult Sunday School was held and led by Marlys Schmidt; some large print bibles were purchased for this class. Good News Bearers was held again this past year in early Fall. Trunk-r-Treat took place again at the end of October. No Christmas program was held this year, but the youth led a Sunday service in December: the youth read, ushered, and sang special music. VBS was not held due to the low numbers of kids in our congregation. This past year, a Story time was started for younger kids in our congregation. When I surveyed the parents prior to starting this class I had an overwhelming response of kids who were going to attend. Once the class started, only one child attend on a regular basis. This class was held on two Sundays a month trying to accommodate as many families as possible. I would like to thank Kylie Stoner for volunteering to read to this class. In the following year, this class will be held on the first Sunday of every month.

Curt Iliff, Council Representative